a Divine Personality
Shri Maharaj Ji, founder of the "Alakh Amar Vivechan Partakshalaya" was a divine personality. He was a lover of Truth and his "UPADESH", to my opinion, is the eternal truth. The path to salvation shown by Param Sant Sadguru Dev Swami Shri Alkhanand Ji Maharaj is not only the easiest and very best but is also the shortest one. It is the perennial path shown by the saints of the time. His message to the people is "Know the Truth − Satnaam ko apne andar jaano / Param Parakash or Divine Light ko apne andar dekhoo". As per Shri Maharaj Ji - Approach whosoever is able to give it to you, that should be the aim of your life and do not believe on hearsay, only believe when you see. |
Sadguru Dev Swami Shri Alkhanand Ji Maharaj who was the greatest yogi and his grasp of the Gita was phenomenal. Though he used to quote almost all the scriptures [Vedas, Ramayana, Gurbani etc.] but the Gita his base book which he usually emphasize in his spiritual discourses. Despite the fact that I had read most of the important commentaries on the Gita, it was still a puzzle for me and its intrinsic meaning remained hidden. The more I read the Gita the more I realised that this book, though widely read, is rarely understood. The real meaning of the Gita and its true importance is so deep, that none can understand it unless explained from the mouth of a spiritual preceptor (Sadguru). There may be numerous commentaries on the Gita, but to realise its true meaning the instruction of Sadguru is necessary.
Shri Maharaj Ji was not bound by the limits of nationality or time. His life and teachings inspire men to see the Kingdom of the Heaven (Bible), the Light of Inner Consciousness (Gita) within the being and not anywhere outside.
⋅⋅⋅ a devotee who is blessed by Shri Maharaj Ji
SWAMI VISESHANAND JI – prominent disciples of SADGURU DEV SWAMI SHRI ALKHANAND JI MAHARAJ who formed Alakh Amar Vivechan Partakshalaya in Mahilpur (Hoshiyarpur - Punjab).
Swami Visheshand Ji came to the Aashram (AAVP) at a very early age and was the most loved one by Sadguru Dev Swami Shri Alakhnand Ji Maharaj who also gave him the responsibility to teach the people -THE PATH OF SALVATION.
After the mahanirvan of Sadguru Dev Swami Shri Alkhanand Ji Maharaj, Swami Visheshnand Ji left with only a handful of people to help him continue his work / achieve the goal set by Guru Maharaj Ji. Swami Visheshanand Ji has branched out on his own with the understanding that he has his teacher's (Sadguru Dev’s) blessings, and is continuing teaching peoples of this world.
As mentioned by the saints of the time that there are two types of God incarnations - one is called NIMITT, and the other NITYA. The avatars are all NIMITT incarnations while the saints are NITYA. The Nimitt avatars are born for a specific purpose while the saints work to transform society through divine knowledge.
In today’s world Swami Visheshanand Ji is the one who can take a person from the spiritual darkness to light by a proper Divine path and in the shortest span of time.
Objective of AAVP Society
To clarify the actual meaning of SATSANG as singing hyms, lecturing, reciting mantras, worship of gods, japa tapa, donations, charity, aasanas(postures), pranayam, etc. are regarded as SATSANG but THESE ARE NOT SATSANG.
To spread the central idea of harmony of all the religions based on experience of Shri Sadguru Dev Swami Alkhanand Ji and all the enlightened devotees blessed by Swami Ji that like all rivers mingle with ocean at the end.Precisely same all religions lead to the realization of the same Reality known by different names in different religions.
This society honours ; reveres and thanks all the enlightened personalities of the world religions such as Buddha, Christ, Krishna, Mahavir Jain, Mohammed, Dadu Dayal, Kabir, Lao Tzu, etc.
To treat all work as worship.
To work for the all-round supreme welfare of humanity, especially for the upliftment of the ignore ignorant.
To spread the idea of the potential divinity of every being and how to manifest it through every action and thought.
To clarify the real and perfect meaning of Jnana, Bhakti, Yoga and Karma.